
Automating Duolingo by reverse engineering the Duolingo Android app: Introducing Duobot

Using Caddy as a reverse proxy to serve a Python app via gunicorn

What's the best project management and packaging tool for Python and why is it Rye?

Reverse engineering the private API of an Android app secured by certificate pinning

A critical review of Marketing Mix Modeling — From hype to reality

Adding adaptive syntax highlighting to your Hugo blog's dark mode

Near real-time transcription of a live audio stream with OpenAI Whisper for keyword monitoring

Running dbt-core in production on AWS using ECS Fargate and Airflow

Fine-tune a German GPT-2 Model with Tensorflow in Transformers for text generation (NLP part 4)

Does Jameda discriminate against non-paying users? Part 2: New Data, new Insights

Build a multi OS Python app in the cloud: PyInstaller on GitHub Actions

Natural Language Processing of German texts - Part 3: Introducing transformer models to predict ratings

Natural Language Processing of German texts - Part 2: Using LSTM neural-networks to predict ratings

Natural Language Processing of German texts - Part 1: Using machine-learning to predict ratings

Are you swiping Tinder on hard mode? An experiment on name based discrimination in online dating

Interactive plots of large data sets made easy: Datashader

Interactive maps with Python made easy: Introducing Geoviews

A match made in heaven: Tinder and Statistics — Insights from an unique Dataset of swiping

Include variables in Markdown cells of JupyterLab Notebooks

Does Jameda discriminate against non-paying users? An explanatory data analysis

Misplaced your phone? Phone Finder for Alexa to the rescue!

Investigating bike rentals in Cologne - Part 3: Descriptive Statistics

Choropleth Maps with bokeh: visualizing changes over time

Choropleth Maps with bokeh: basic interactivity

My Amazon Alexa custom Skill: Fahrrad Finder

Get the device location of Alexa for your custom skill

Build custom skills for Alexa with Python and Flask-Ask

Investigating bike rentals in Cologne - Part 2: Map visualization

Investigating bike rentals in Cologne - Part 1: Getting some data

Solving unconfirmed Bitcoin transactions in Electrum